“Discover the Powerful Features of Manjaro Linux 23.0 ‘Uranos’: Unleashing GNOME, Plasma, and XFCE Variants – The Latest Release from BetaNews!”

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“Manjaro 23.0 Uranos: The Ultimate Operating System Upgrade for GNOME, Plasma, and XFCE Users”

Manjaro 23.0 Uranos: A Masterclass in Operating System Perfection for GNOME, Plasma, and XFCE Fans

The highly anticipated version 23.0 of Manjaro, code-named “Uranos,” has finally arrived. And with its impressive updates for GNOME, Plasma, and XFCE, there’s no doubt that it will outshine other operating systems in the market.

For those in the GNOME camp, version 23.0 offers a stunning new interface, thanks to its integration with the GNOME 44 series. This release has received rave reviews for its precision and polish, and the release notes provide all the necessary details.

One of the most exciting updates for GNOME users is the new grid view in the file chooser. Long-awaited by many, this feature allows for easier selection of files based on thumbnails rather than just names. And with improved accessibility settings and a smoother software experience, GNOME 44 is truly a sight to behold.

Plasma users also have a lot to look forward to with the release of Manjaro 23.0. With Plasma 5.27 LTS and KDE Gear 23.08, the operating system now offers a window tiling system and decluttered system settings for a more seamless user experience. And for those who have been eagerly awaiting the switch to Wayland, numerous bug fixes and improvements have made this transition smoother than ever.

And let’s not forget about XFCE, as Manjaro 23.0 has some great updates for this camp as well. Thunar now has a file highlighting feature, making it easier to find the files you need, while the panel and Control Centre have received handy new preferences. Plus, with Kernel 6.5 and LTS options like Kernel 6.1 and 5.15, users can enjoy top-notch performance on a variety of hardware.

In conclusion, with its combination of sleek design, efficient updates, and compatibility with all major desktop environments, Manjaro 23.0 Uranos is the ultimate operating system upgrade for GNOME, Plasma, and XFCE users. So don’t wait any longer – download the ISO and discover the endless possibilities of Manjaro yourself! Don’t forget to give your feedback to the dedicated Manjaro team. Image credit: 3Dalia / Shutterstock.

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiWWh0dHBzOi8vYmV0YW5ld3MuY29tLzIwMjMvMDkvMDUvbWFuamFyby0yMy0wLXVyYW5vcy1uZXctZmVhdHVyZXMtZ25vbWUtcGxhc21hLXhmY2UtbGludXgv0gEA?oc=5

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