Hands-on with Manjaro Linux 15.09: A new favourite – ZDNet

9 min read

In an ever-evolving world of technology where Linux distributions sprout with the promise of innovation and ease, it takes a hefty combo of features, performance, and user-friendliness to stand out. Enter Manjaro Linux 15.09, an Arch Linux-based distribution that's making waves for all the right reasons. Known for its accessibility to newcomers and power-packed for the veterans, Manjaro has been a topic of intrigue and admiration in the tech community. ZDNet takes an in-depth look at this rising star in the Linux universe, exploring the first impressions, diving deep into its key features, user experience, and ultimately, deliberating on why Manjaro Linux 15.09 might just be the operating system you've been looking for. Whether you're a seasoned Linux user or just dipping your toes into the open-source waters, join us on this hands-on journey to discover if Manjaro Linux 15.09 could indeed become your new favorite.

1. Introduction to Manjaro Linux 15.09: First Impressions

Manjaro Linux 15.09, at first glance, sets itself apart as a distro that aims to provide users with an accessible, yet powerful GNU/Linux experience. From the moment you boot into the live environment or complete the installation process, it's apparent that there's something uniquely inviting about Manjaro's approach. Manjaro, for those not familiar, is based on Arch Linux, which is renowned for its speed, powerful customization options, and a rolling release model. However, Arch's steep learning curve often deters newcomers. This is where Manjaro steps in, offering a more user-friendly gateway into the Arch ecosystem without sacrificing the power and flexibility that experienced users crave.

Manjaro 15.09 introduces itself with a polished, aesthetically pleasing desktop environment that feels both modern and functional. Users have the choice of several official and community editions, featuring desktop environments like Xfce, KDE, and GNOME, among others. This variety ensures that there's a version of Manjaro for nearly every preference and performance requirement. For this article, our focus will be on the Xfce edition, which is noted for its balance between functionality and resource efficiency, making it a strong candidate for both newer machines and older hardware looking for a second life.

From the initial setup, it's clear that Manjaro aims to strike a balance between user-friendliness and the ability to fine-tune the system. The installer, Calamares, simplifies the process, guiding users through the necessary steps with a clarity that both beginners and seasoned veterans can appreciate. Post-installation, the desktop presents itself with a clean, well-organized interface, pre-loaded with a selection of applications that cater to everyday computing needs, minimizing the immediate necessity for additional software installs.

However, Manjaro's true strength lies beneath the surface. The distro is backed by access to the Arch User Repository (AUR), a vast repository filled with thousands of additional packages, readily available to install. Paired with Manjaro's own software repositories, which are tested for stability before release, users get the best of both worlds: cutting-edge software and a system that remains stable and reliable for daily use.

First impressions of Manjaro Linux 15.09 suggest a thoughtful balance between accessibility for newcomers and the complexity an experienced user or enthusiast would appreciate. It's a distro that doesn't just aim to be an introduction to Arch Linux but strives to be a comfortable, yet powerful home for users of all levels. This approachability, without the compromise on functionality, is what potentially sets Manjaro apart, marking it as a new favorite for many in the Linux community.

2. Diving Deep: Key Features and User Experience

Manjaro Linux, the Arch Linux-based distro, has always been known for its superior performance, reliability, and user-friendliness, particularly for those who prefer a more hands-on approach to their computing experience. With its 15.09 release, Manjaro not only continues this tradition but also introduces a plethora of key features and enhancements that prove to be game-changers for both new and experienced users, further cementing its position as a favorite among the Linux communities.

At the heart of the Manjaro Linux 15.09 release are its updated, powerful, yet intuitive desktop environments. Users have the choice between the sleek and modern Xfce, the visually appealing and highly customizable KDE Plasma, and the minimalist yet functional GNOME. Each of these environments has been tailored and optimized specifically for Manjaro, ensuring that users get a smooth and cohesive experience, regardless of their choice. Particularly, the Xfce version has received considerable acclaim for striking an excellent balance between performance and aesthetics, offering a responsive and visually pleasing interface without taxing system resources.

Underneath these polished desktop environments lies the power of Arch Linux, renowned for its rolling release model. This means that Manjaro users enjoy the benefit of continuous updates, ensuring their system, applications, and security measures are always up to date. It's a key feature that, when coupled with Manjaro's stability and additional testing of updates, delivers a robust and secure computing experience that's hard to match.

Installation and system configuration in Manjaro 15.09 have also seen significant improvements. The Calamares installer simplifies the installation process, providing both newcomers and seasoned users with a straightforward, guided setup that takes the intimidation out of Arch Linux’s complexity. Moreover, the Manjaro Settings Manager is a boon, offering easy access to hardware drivers, kernel updates, and language packs, which can be daunting to manage in other Linux distributions. This hands-on control over system components is something that particularly stands out for users who like to tailor their systems closely to their needs.

From a user experience standpoint, Manjaro Linux 15.09 excels with its blend of accessibility and power. The inclusion of the Pamac package manager, with its intuitive GUI, eases the process of software installation and system updates, making it approachable for users transitioning from more 'closed' operating systems like Windows or macOS. At the same time, the access to the AUR (Arch User Repository) ensures that users have an almost endless supply of software and utilities at their disposal, fostering a sense of exploration and customization.

Finally, the community behind Manjaro Linux deserves special mention. The forums and online resources are teeming with passionate users and developers, offering support, sharing knowledge, and contributing to the distro's ongoing development. This vibrant community aspect not only enhances the user experience through shared expertise but also ensures that feedback is continually driving the evolution of Manjaro.

In conclusion, diving deep into Manjaro Linux 15.09 reveals a carefully crafted distro that truly stands out in the crowded Linux landscape. Its blend of powerful features, user-focused enhancements, and a supportive community make it an attractive option for those seeking a fresh, hands-on approach to their computing experience. Whether you are a Linux newcomer or a seasoned veteran, Manjaro 15.09 holds the promise of a reliable, customizable, and enjoyable computing environment.

3. Verdict: Why Manjaro Linux 15.09 Could Be Your Next OS Choice

Manjaro Linux 15.09 emerges as a shining contender in the vast landscape of Linux distributions, offering a compelling reason for both newcomers and seasoned Linux users to consider it as their next operating system of choice. This verdict is underpinned by several key strengths that Manjaro brings to the table, distinguishing it in a crowded market.

Firstly, Manjaro’s user-friendliness is a significant attraction. It harbors the power of Arch Linux, known for its speed and cutting-edge software, but contrasts the latter's complexity with a more accessible and intuitive user experience. The installation process is straightforward, allowing users to get up and running without the steep learning curve often associated with more technical distributions. This ease of use does not come at the expense of functionality or flexibility, making it an attractive option for those new to Linux as well as for those who prefer not to spend too much time on setup and configuration.

Secondly, the performance and stability of Manjaro Linux 15.09 are noteworthy. It uses a rolling release model, which means that updates are continuous, and users don’t have to perform a major upgrade to move to the latest version. This approach ensures that the system remains stable and current, with the latest software and security updates being integrated seamlessly. For users who value a balance between cutting-edge software and a system that doesn’t break easily, Manjaro stands out as an excellent choice.

Additionally, the customization options available in Manjaro are extensive. It offers a wealth of pre-installed desktop environments such as XFCE, KDE, and GNOME, giving users the freedom to choose a workspace that matches their preferences and workflow. Beyond the surface, advanced users have the ability to tweak and tune their system extensively, thanks to Manjaro's Arch Linux underpinnings. This level of customization enables a personalized computing experience that can cater to the specific needs and tastes of a wide array of users.

Moreover, the vibrant and supportive community surrounding Manjaro Linux should not be underestimated. For users who might encounter issues or seek to explore the capabilities of their OS further, the community forums and resources are an invaluable asset. The community-driven nature of Manjaro ensures an environment where help is readily available, and enhancements are continuously made, benefiting from the collective intelligence and expertise of its users.

In conclusion, Manjaro Linux 15.09 presents itself as an excellent candidate for those in search of a new operating system. Its blend of accessibility for beginners, stability, cutting-edge software, customization options, and a robust community support system, positions it as a versatile and appealing choice for a broad spectrum of computer users. Whether you're transitioning from another Linux distro or considering making the switch from a proprietary OS, Manjaro offers a compelling package that's hard to overlook.

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